Monday, March 5, 2007

March 6, 2007

* nora and ryann playing "georgia the cutie bug" while georgia was obliviously playing with her own toys
* ryann asking jesus to be with her fingers during bedtime prayers (there's nothing wrong with her fingers, they just happened to be in front of her face)
* nora loving her woof


Anonymous said...

1. great finish to a day off of school that started terribly wrong.
2.for aldi saving us hundreds of dollars a week.
3. the things 5 year ols say and do.


Maddy said...

Golly! Now there's a challenge! Let me see -
1. No meltdowns during homework
[that's a bit negative]
2. Everyone played harmoniously for nearly 17 minutes [a new record] that's a bit more like it
3. My seven and a half year old managed to explain [with words and without meltdowns] why he had a bad day at school - a real first.
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Jeanene is thankful:

1. that I can go out and buy new shoes if anyone in the house needs them
2. for pre-washed/bagged salad
3. that I have a husband who is motivated